Teacher subjectivities in Latin America: Perspectives and analysis





teachers, subjectivity, initial teacher education, social context, educational reform, Latin America


The dossier “Teacher Subjectivities in Latin America: Perspectives and Analysis” aims to contribute to the production of knowledge on teacher subjectivities in Latin America. The different articles address teacher subjectivities through four axes: conceptual, contextual, initial teacher education, and teaching practices. At a time when the figure of the teacher is at the center of international and Latin American debate, it is essential to make visible perspectives that explain how teacher subjectivities manifest in relation to the social context, educational policies, their positioning, and pedagogical practices.


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Author Biographies

Ezequiel Gomez Caride, Universidad de San Andres

Doctor in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Bachelor of Education Sciences, Professor of Education Sciences, and Elementary Education Teacher from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina. He received the Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarship and the Weinstein Distinguished Fellowship from the Jewish Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a full-time research professor at the School of Education, University of San Andrés. His main areas of interest are related to teacher identity, outstanding teachers, global educational reform, and religious discourses.

José Weinstein Cayuela, Universidad Diego Portales

Professor of the Faculty of Education. Sociologist (University of Chile). PhD in Sociology (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium). He has vast experience in public service, having been Undersecretary of Education, first Minister of Culture of Chile, and advisor to the National Council of Education. He has participated in different international organizations as consultant and is actually member of the IIPE Governing Board. He has more than 70 publications in books and journals on education, youth, culture and poverty. His current research area focuses on issues of educational leadership, school improvement and teacher policies.

Paula Louzano, Universidad Diego Portales

Paula Louzano holds a BA in Teaching from University of São Paulo, Brazil, a master’s in International Education from Stanford University and a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University. She also was a postdoctoral fellow at University of São Paulo, Brazil. She is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Diego Portales University. Before assuming the deanship, she served as director of the PED Brazil program at Stanford University, a teacher training program in partnership with six Brazilian universities, as well as a member of the UNESCO Teacher Task Force, an organization where she also worked as a consultant on educational issues for three years in Santiago. Previously, she was a professor at the University of São Paulo and conducted research and consultancy in different organizations related to educational policies.



How to Cite

Gomez Caride, E., Weinstein Cayuela, J., & Louzano, P. (2023). Teacher subjectivities in Latin America: Perspectives and analysis . Education Policy Analysis Archives, 31. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.31.8168



Teacher Subjectivities in Latin America