
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission addresses educational policy and adheres to the focus and scope of the journal.
  • The submission has a title, a set of 3-5 keywords, an abstract of no more than 200 words, text of no more than 10,000 words. The 10,000 maximum word count does not include references (maximum of 50), or text written into tables, figures, or other graphic displays. In addition, all submissions should have no more than five tables, figures or graphic displays IN TOTAL. All authors are required to confirm these details in the Comments to the Editor text box during the submission process (see Author Guidelines below this checklist).
  • The text is submitted in a single file, formatted with 1" margins (2.54 cm) on all sides, flush left, in Microsoft Word or RTF format (including tables, figures, or other graphic displays).
  • The main text is double-spaced, written in 12-point (preferably Garamond) font, contains no numbered or bulleted paragraphs, and is formatted according to the guidelines of 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), unless otherwise specified. The first line of each new paragraph should be indented by one-half inch or 1.27 cm. Do not add additional spaces between paragraphs. All titles in citations should be sentence-case, not title case. Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines will be sent back to the corresponding author(s) for reformatting before they are editorially reviewed.
  • The prose is written in readable, professional English, Spanish, or Portuguese, and has been proofread for grammar (e.g., active voice, limited personification) and conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing). We encourage non-native speakers of English who are submitting manuscripts in English to use a copyediting service prior to submission.
  • The submission is entirely the work of the author(s) and the first and last names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, and ORCiDs of all author(s) are included with the submission. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools cannot be considered or listed as an author of a submission. The use of AI tools such as ChatGPT to assist in the production of manuscripts is an emerging issue in research. Like most journals, EPAA requires that the author(s) be responsible for the creation and interpretation of their work and accountable for its accuracy, integrity, and validity. Any use of AI to produce the submission should be detailed in the appropriate sections of the manuscript, and any text or analyses produced using AI should be checked for accuracy, refined, and elaborated by the author(s).
  • The submission is fully anonymized, with Author names and all identifying information removed. If Author(s) are cited, only “Authors(s)” and Year are to be used in the text and references. Acknowledgements and information embedded in the automatic functions of word processing programs (e.g., Author(s)’ names in file “properties”) must be removed, and the file should not contain any comments or tracked changes. Read more about requirements for anonymization at
  • The submission is not under consideration for publication by another journal, nor has it been previously published, unless an explanation of a special circumstance is provided in Comments to the Editor.
  • If the research detailed in the text involved human participants, the Author(s) complied with the applicable ethical and legal obligations for their countries, including approvals from appropriate institutional review boards (IRBs). IRB approval should be indicated in the methods section, or elsewhere (e.g., a footnote). Author(s) understand their professional obligation to maintain notes and data sets for a minimum of three years after publication.
  • The first author of the manuscript agrees to participate as a reviewer for EPAA/AAPE, especially if the manuscript is accepted.
  • Author(s) confirm that there are no conflicts of interest to report.
  • All necessary permissions for extensive excerpts, original or revised figures, etc. have been acquired prior to submission.
  • EPAA/AAPE does not charge Author(s) a fee to publish, and we ask Author(s) to assist in the final formatting of their accepted articles. This assistance includes inserting the final, accepted version in the EPAA/AAPE journal template, in accordance with the EPAA/AAPE style guide, and conducting a final proofreading of the article 3-4 weeks prior to official publication. Lack of assistance on the part of Author(s) will, at minimum, cause a delay in publication.
  • SPECIAL NOTE: Given increasing numbers of submissions and the demands required of editors and reviewers, EPAA/EPAA will not process submissions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese during the following periods:
    - mid-December to mid-January
    - the month of July

Author Guidelines

Important submission requirements in all languages: The following information must be compiled and reported in the Comments to the Editor text box in Step 1 of the submission process (do not submit in a separate document):

  1. Word count, excluding references.
  2. Number of references.
  3. Number of tables (if applicable).
  4. Number of figures (if applicable).
  5. Number of other graphics (if applicable).
  6. There are no more than five (5) figures, tables, or other graphics in total.
  7. Confirm that the MS has been formatted according to APA 7th edition style guidelines: a)  the main text is double-spaced; b) the first line of each new paragraph should be indented by one-half inch or 1.27 cm; c) there are no additional spaces between paragraphs; d) all titles in citations are in sentence-case, not title case; e) tables (if relevant) are correctly formatted and labeled.
  8. If the MS is a systematic literature review, there is ONE combined reference list with items included in the review identified by an asterisk (*) with a note or footnote describing this point.
  9. Confirm that the MS has been fully anonymized. Remove all author information from the front page of the manuscript, the names of authors embedded in the Properties menu, and any track changes in the document. If there are additional considerations regarding anonymization within the text or citations, please contact the Lead Editor.
  10. Confirm that the first author agrees to serve as a reviewer for EPAA/AAPE in the future.
  11. For Spanish-language submissions only: authors confirm the geographic region covered in their manuscript is appropriate for the Spanish qualitative/quantitative section selected. 

Submissions that do not include this information or follow the submission guidelines in the checklist will be desk rejected.

To maximize your article's discoverability and search results through search engine optimization (SEO), consider the following: 

  • Do not use long article titles
  • Pick 3-5 keywords using a mix of generic and more specific terms on the article subject(s)
  • Include some keywords in the title of the article
  • Use the maximum amount of keywords in the first two sentences of the abstract
  • Use some of the keywords in level 1 headings

Spanish Qualitative/Quantitative (South America)

Please submit to this section if your manuscript is written in Spanish and your topic involves South American countries (for example, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc.)  

Spanish Qualitative/Quantitative (Mexico and Central America)

Please submit to this section if your manuscript is written in Spanish and your topic involves Mexico or Central American countries. 

Spanish Qualitative/Quantitative (Spain and EU)

Please submit to this section if your manuscript is written in Spanish and your geographic region covers Spain or an EU country.

Education Privatization and Commercialization in the Context and Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Structured abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2024

Online Learning in Institutions of Higher Education in Africa: Policy Foundations and Implications

This is an invited special issue, guest edited by Audrey Amrein-Beardsley, Augustine Gatotoh, Pauline Wambua, Prince Kwarase, and Shem Mwalw’a.

Full manuscript submission deadline: May 31, 2024

Looking Back at 50 Years of IDEA and Envisioning Possible Futures

1,000-word structured abstracts in English due September 15, 2024.


Science of Reading Policies: International Impacts and Impressions

Abstracts due March 15, 2024.

Advancing Equity Globally: Innovations in Curriculum, Teaching, Teacher Education and Professional Development

This is an invited special issue, guest edited by Maria Tesera Tatto (Arizona State University) and Trevor Mutton (University of Oxford). 

First drafts must be submitted to the journal for editorial review by June 30, 2024.

Transforming School Systems: Questions of Power, Resistance, Equity, and Community

Call for special issue submissions in English, Portuguese, and Spanish on school governance and organization in local, regional, and national contexts. Full MSs due December 17, 2023.

Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers

This is an invited special issue, and only submissions invited by the guest editors will be considered.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.